Sunday, April 29, 2007

Do you know:

Around two million children under the age of five die each year from acute respiratory infections, the top killer of young children.
Air pollution - whether indoors from fuel consumption or tobacco smoke or outdoors from traffic and industrial pollution, is a serious risk factor for respiratory disease, a major contributor to ill-health among children around the world
Air pollution is a major environment-related health threat to children and a risk factor for both acute and chronic respiratory disease as well as other diseases. Around 2 million children under five die every year from acute respiratory infections. Many are aggravated by environmental hazards.
Indoor air pollution is a major factor associated with acute respiratory infections in both rural and urban areas of developing countries. A pollutant released indoors is often more dangerous to a child’s lungs than a pollutant released outdoors.
Strategies to combat these threats are often inexpensive. Yet they can reap great benefits for the children who live, play and grow in those settings
Protecting children from smoking and from second-hand tobacco smoke reduces the risk of respiratory disorders and other ill-health effects later in life.
To create healthy environments for children: make public places smoke free in your community.

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